Your nervous system, the fluids flowing through your veins, your thoughts and emotions, muscle movement, all this activity generates electromagnetic and psychic energy that flows and radiates in a complex field through and around your physical body.
Yogis, mystics, spiritual leaders, and even modern scientists and doctors use terms like auras, chakras, magnetic fields, emotional sensitivity, brain waves, chi, prana, soul and a myriad of other terms in an effort to define and categorize the complex macrocosm that is the human energy field.
Over time, the repetitive and cumulative damage to your energy body creates holes, weak spots, scars, and imbalances that allow outside influences to have a greater effect on you and also make it more difficult for your to release energetic/psychic/emotional toxins generated within your systems to be released.
These attachments can appear as jealousy, self-judgement, greed, fear about money, fear of not being successful, among many others. These emotional and energetic attachments can cause us suffering and hold us back from making major leaps in our lives.
Energy Healing sessions will fill the holes and heal scars in your aura, creating a sense of wholeness and peace. Strengthening your energy body will deflect outside influences giving you confidence and resilience in your life. Releasing residual ties and changing harmful lifestyle choices will create enhanced balance and flow in all aspects of your life. Overall, maintaining a healthy “energy Health regimen” will give you a life filled with creativity, purpose, passion, and joy. $150