About me

Usui Reiki Master, Certified Crystal Healer, Max Meditation™ Leader, Leadership and Achievement Coach


Hi, my name is Michael.


I offer conversation, active listening, healing sessions, coaching, classes, ongoing training, and support. This is a path of growth and exploration that enables my clients to explore their deep Mind-Body-Spirit connections and balance their subtle-body energy field. This process can lead to a better understanding of your place in the world, and the role you were born to play.


Intellectually, it is not hard to grasp that I, my real self, is separate from the clichés and expectations of society, separate from education and ego and that the Real Me is “something profoundly more than my body, my thoughts, and my emotions.”


With Mind, Body and Spirit connected and empowered you are ready to embark on a path of total-being healing growth that inevitably leads to a life filled with creativity, passion, purpose, and joy.


Through my Healing Sessions, you will be released from energy blockages and cleansed of “psychic sludge” left over from past thoughts, experiences, trauma, and the stressful activities of day-to-day life. Like a freshly polished diamond, you will shine and sparkle with the positive, upbeat frequency of true joy and passion.


With personalized Coaching Sessions, you will create balance and clarity in your thoughts and feelings and tap into the powers of pure potential that animates life on our planet.  Your "True Life's Purpose" is a term used to describe a progression along a path where "everything" begins to fall into place easily and naturally without the stress and setbacks that can often oppose growth and change.


Let’s take that journey together.




Group Classes and Workshops

My workshops are all about empowerment; encouraging you, and giving you the tools to heal, grow, awaken and develop your natural gifts. We explore our inner selves, our gifts and learn to reach beyond the everyday material world as we stride towards our true life's purpose.


My goal is to help you… to help set you on a path of personal healing, spiritual growth, and empowerment. You know you are an amazing being. It’s time to accept that fact in your mind and in your heart and to begin to live the life you were born to live.


See the Schedule of upcoming workshops [here.]



About me:

I have worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners, helping them define, refine and focus their intention and efforts for maximum effect. Through the study of martial arts and sports training, I have learned that success is often found when the right state of consciousness.

I am a Reiki Master in the traditional Usui System of Natural Healing, a Certified Crystal Energy Healer, and a student of the University of Metaphysics (Sedona, USA) and The Modern Mystery School International (Toronto, Canada).



I Offer:

Leadership and Achievement Coaching, Intuitive Pathworking, Usui Reiki Sessions (studio, in-home, hospital, palliative care and remote), Cancer and Chemo relief, Crystal Healing, Crystal Light Therapy, Aura Repair, Bio-Sound Healing, 22-strand DNA Life Activations, Full Spirit Activation, Develop Your  Psychic Abilities, Max Meditation (tm), The Metaphysics of Healing, Sanctuary Meditation, Stress Rescue (Individual and Group), Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, Intuitive Rune Readings and instruction, Home and Office Energy Clearing and Protection Gridding.