Traditional Usui Reiki

Reiki Energy is effective on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The very nature of Reiki Energy is such that it can do no harm. It is not good or bad energy. It is simply the energy of life. Reiki treatments can be received in person or remotely under the proper conditions.  

The Usui System of Natural Healing, called Reiki, that I practice was originally systematized by Dr. Mikao Usui and his first students in 1922 and has been passed down directly from Teacher/Master to student for nearly a Century. In modern times, the Reiki system of healing has undergone rigorous academic and scientific study and has developed into many offshoot styles. But the original teachings have always maintained, and positive testimonials abound.

Reiki works by clearing energy pathways within the body, bringing balance, and allowing life force to flow in a healing and natural way.

For a Reiki treatment, the patient is fully clothed and can be seated or laying down. As the practitioner, I will lightly place my hands in very specific patterns on the patient’s body, or in some cases with my hands hovering 6 to 8 inches off the body. Through trained and practice methods I allow the flow of Universal Life Force Energy through me and my client facilitating the release blockages that might be hindering natural healing and well being.

Reiki is not a replacement for regular medical treatment, but for many, it helps with the pain and discomfort of various disorders and has been seen to speed treatments and healing for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions. $90 hr.

Initial Consultation* $140
1 hr. Session $90
45 min. follow-up $45

3x pkg. in 6 weeks $220